Simple Saturday: Ice Cream Sammy

Ice cream sandwich

Ice cream sandwiches have really been on my brain lately…and not just because some are suddenly not melting.

It’s probably because recently, in a “treat yo’ self” moment, I picked up some Trader Joe’s Mini Mint Ice Cream Mouthfuls. And yes, they are delicious. I’ve been eating one every few days or so as a little after-dinner snack.

So, I started thinking about how simple it really  is to make an Ice Cream Sammy, especially if you already have cookies on hand.

Here’s how I made mine:

  1. Take two leftover cookies (I used some Chai Tea Cookies) and put about a tablespoon or so of vanilla (or any flavor you like) of ice cream on one cookie. Then, gently press the other side on top, wrap in plastic wrap and put straight back into the freezer.
  2. Let the cookie freeze for at least 30 minutes, then unwrap and enjoy!

My Ice Cream Sammy with the Chai Cookies tasted like pumpkin pie with whipped cream because of all the tasty spices.

If you need another excuse to make some cookies, here you go!

If you end up making your own Ice Cream Sammy concoction, I would love to hear about it or see pictures, so tag me if you do (@thinkfruitful on Instagram, Think Fruitful on Facebook and @gracepenn on Twitter).

Simple Saturday: Indoor S’mores

Last week whilst celebrating my husband and my 1.5-year wedding anniversary, we came up with a genius plan.

A plan to make Indoor S’mores.

It was rainy, cold and dark by dessert time, so I knew that I had to find a way to get some marshmallows perfectly toasted and crammed in between dark chocolate and graham crackers without a fire pit or outdoor flame.

And I turned to my wonderful little toaster oven (which oddly enough my husband bought me when we were dating after my old one sparked and bit the dust).

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Simple Saturday: Banana Ice Cream

Ya’ll…today I’m giving you the key to 1 ingredient ice cream! (Excuse the southern accent coming out there, I’m excited!)

This is not a trick.

This is not a gimmick.

It’s totally real and amazing!

And it all comes from one little frozen banana. A speckled squishy banana is the hero of this cold treat tale.

And you’re going to love it!

So here’s how you make this amazingness:
1. Peel a ripe banana and cut into about 1/2-inch thick coins. Put on a plate and freeze for at least a few hours (overnight is ok, too).

2. Put the banana pieces in a food processor and blend until it becomes smooth ice cream.

Optional: Add in other flavors like peanut butter, chocolate chips or other treats to make your ice cream even more unique!

Thanks to The Kitchn for the inspiration on this one!

Party in a Bar

I have had the privilege of attending some pretty great parties lately.
This is one of the many things that comes along with getting married that really rocks. I have enjoyed some delicious meals, yummy sweets and fellowship with amazing friends and family over the past few months.
I even got to ride in a stretch Escalade limo (thanks to my amazing maid of honor for this idea) last weekend at my bachelorette party!
I have had a recipe saved on foodgawker for a while that is certainly worthy of a party: Cake batter bars.

Scrumptious from Scratch

When I first started dating my now fiance three and a half years ago, one of our favorite things to do together was make late-night brownies and watch movies.
We both have a pretty good sweet tooth (mine being a little bit sweeter with a penchant for chocolate), and I love remembering those wonderful nights of eating warm, gooey brownies and the excitement of getting to know each other.

Seasonal Scones

I’m in full-swing Christmas mode. I have been listening to Christmas music every day, my few but glittery Christmas decorations are up at my apartment, and, yes, my fiance and I have already scoured the nearby neighborhoods for the best lit houses. I love this season and honoring its significance in our lives.
And as long as we don’t have any snow storms like last year where I’m stuck inside, I should stay cheery for the remainder of the month. And I’m so excited that I get a few days off for Christmas this year where I can join my family to celebrate.

Spoooky spiders

Happy Halloween everyone!
Although I’m not usually a big celebrator of this haunted holiday, this year my fiance and I are throwing a little party with friends and I’m contributing a little sweet treat.
My family has been making these “chocolate spiders” for as long as I can remember. They are a great, easy treat to make for holidays to give away or to munch on yourself. And the hint of butterscotch in them is so tasty!