Sugar and Spice and Eye Sight

My grandmother always told me to eat my carrots so I would have good eye sight.

And I gulped down my mom’s tender, savory carrots in our Sunday roast and hoped that I wouldn’t be like everyone else in my family and have to get glasses.

And then in seventh grade, I took the vision test that we all had to take and completely failed. I remember telling the eye test giver that I couldn’t see anything!

I was distraught that I would have to get glasses…even in the midst of having eaten my carrots all my life.

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Getting Creative with Carrots

Re-introducing vegetables in a fun and exciting way is a great ploy to get your family to the table…and use up your vegetables.

Even the humble carrot can be made into a creamy, spicy, sweet and unexpected soup.

We love our local CSA, Farmbox Delivers, and most weeks we get 1-2 lbs. of fresh, crispy carrots.

I like to enjoy these carrots chopped and dipped in hummus or cut in rounds and put in stir fry. But sometimes we get a bit overwhelmed with the number of carrots in our fridge at one time.

Is 20 too many? Ok, yeah, it is.

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